
Gigabot Stops Mid Print and is Unresponsive

Before proceeding, collect and record the following data: 

  • Is the hot end still heated? 
  • Are you printing via USB or an SD card? 
  • Is USB connected to a computer?
  • Is there an error message on your Gigabot's Viki?
  • Save your .factory file. 
  • Is your Gigabot plugged into an uninterrupted power supply? 
  • Does the Viki say “Gigabot Ready?”

Possible Causes: 

  1. Computer interrupting via USB
  2. Corrupted Gcode - often, the hot end will still be hot and may have moved from its stopping point.
  3. Bad SD card - similar to corrupted Gcode.
  4. Power interruption - Hot end will be cold and in the place it stopped.
  5. Faulty connection or short circuit in the electrical system

Possible Solutions: 

  1. Print via SD card rather than via USB. 
  2. Re-slice the object and make sure it fully saves to your SD card before printing
  3. Re-format or replace the SD card.
  4. Install an uninterrupted power supply (Uninterrupted Power Supply to Protect your Prints)
  5. Check all wired connections on the printer
  6. Isolate the affected branch of the system replace the parts (Troubleshooting Electrical System for Gigabot Resets)

Questions or concerns? Reach out to our support team at or open a support ticket

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