What is the meaning of 'Left Cool' and 'Right Cool' in the Simplify 3D profile for the gigabot?
1 comment
re:3D Support Official comment Patrick Satyshur Hi Patrick, thank you for your question in our forum. These "Left Cool" and "Right Cool" settings are the temperatures the hot ends are set to when they are NOT the hot end that is extruding plastic. The default settings for these are to be warm (165C or so) for a couple main reasons. The first is that this warm temperature allows the idle hot end to melt any plastic that may get in its way during the print. This decreases the possibility that the idle hot end nozzle gets stuck on the part and causes a print shift. Another reason these are used is for dual extrusion prints. Having the idle hot end warmed up decreases the amount of time that it takes to heat to its print temperature during the tool change procedure. I hope this helps -- Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I'll get right back to you.