is the print file(stl or step) for this extruder setup available... I think the one on my printer has seen better day.
re:3D Support Official comment Hi Stan,
Sure thing! These are located on our SketchFab profile here: Link. The parts you need are the "Cold-End Tensioner", "OGB: Left Extruder", and "OGB: Right Extruder". We recommend printing these out of ABS with at least 65% infill.
Happy Printing!
stan one Do you guys sell the Azteeg X3 Pro., I want to replace the board that I have now. 2 of the stepper ports are showing low vref numbers and and I dont know how to fix them. (extr2 and extr5)., I am using extr3 Extr4 for the dual nozzle., and ZL ZR on extr1....
Thanks for the file location...
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