We have been testing GBX and printing geometries to test the limits of the printer. These dodecahedrons were printed with ground up PLA from previous failed prints. The two prints in the picture below are printed with the same setup and settings except for one important difference. What did we change?
John Colborn Right-side print added:
- cooling fan
- dried filament/raw material
- reduced extrusion rate, or
- cooler extrusion temperatureAre any of these correct?
Samantha Reeve Congratulations! We will send you a coupon code to redeem your prize of a 5lb spool of PLA.
The correct answer was to add a cooling fan. One key clue is the middle of the part that shows a clean print in addition to the warping of the overall shape.
If the raw material wasn't dry enough, then you would see a rough texture from bubbling everywhere, not just on the edges.
If the extrusion rate was too high you would also see the roughness everywhere and the letters or other small features would look the worst.
Having a too high extrusion temperature is a good guess, but it can also cause extra roughness everywhere on the part if the temperature reaches a certain point well above ideal print temperatures.