
Tuning the Hot End Temperature Controller (PID Tuning)


 PID (proportional-integral-derivative) tuning sets the parameters for controlling the temperatures of your hot ends. P, I, and D values need to be defined to accurately control the nozzle temperatures. 


Single Extruder

  1. Turn on your Gigabot and connect it to the computer with the USB cable. You can read how to do that here: Connecting to your Gigabot via USB
  2. Using Pronterface or Simplify3D, connect to your Gigabot.
  3. For Simplify3D, follow these instructions:
    1. Turn on the head fan by typing "M106 S255" command in the data entry box in the "Communication" tab of the Machine Control Panel.
    2. Type one of the following into the data entry box:
      1. For GB2, use “M303 S200.”
      2. For GB3, Left Extruder, use “M303 E0 S200.”
  4. For Pronterface, follow these instructions:
    1. Turn on the head fan by typing "M106 S255" command into the data entry box at the lower right corner.
    2. Type one of the following into the data entry box at the lower right corner:
      1. For GB2, use “M303 S200.”
      2. For GB3, Left Extruder, use “M303 E0 S200.”

This will start the PID auto-tune function in the Marlin Firmware. The hot end will cycle the heat up and down for a couple of minutes until displaying the message: "PID Autotune Complete." Write down the last set of output values given. Example:

  • Classic PID
  • Kp: 50.03
  • Ki: 1.98
  • Kd: 150.98

Note: You may need to check the Verbose option in Simplify3D to see all of the results, and this box is shown below:Verbose_machine_control_panel.png


Adjusting the Firmware

  1. Using Simplify3D:
    1. DISCONNECT from Gigabot, close Simplify3D, then restart Simplify3D.
    2. Connect to your Gigabot again
    3. Type the following in the data entry box in the "Communication" tab of the Machine Control Panel:
      1. "M301 H1 P(your Kp value) I(your Ki value) D(your Kd value)".
    4. It should look like this using the example above: "M301 H1 P50.03 I1.98 D150.98" This will TEMPORARILY change the current settings for the temperature controller.
    5. Type the following into the data entry box: "M500" and press Enter. This will make changes permanent.
    6. Set hot-end temperature to 200C and watch the temperature overshoot the target temp slightly, undershoot slightly, and then settle onto the target temp within 1-2 deg.
  2. Using Pronterface:
    1. DISCONNECT from Gigabot, close Pronterface, and RESTART Pronterface.
    2. Connect to your Gigabot again
    3. Type the following into the data entry box at the lower right corner: "M301 H1 P(your Kp value) I(your Ki value) D(your Kd value)".
    4. It should look like this using the example above: "M301 H1 P50.03 I1.98 D150.98" This will TEMPORARILY change the current settings for the temperature controller.
    5. Type the following into the data entry box at the lower right corner: "M500" and press Enter. This will make changes permanent.
    6. Set hot-end temperature to 200C and watch the temperature overshoot the target temp slightly, undershoot slightly, and then settle onto the target temp within 1-2 deg.

Dual Extruder

Important: With versions of Marlin prior to 2.0.6, the PID values that are set will be used for both extruders. In other words, you can not tune each extruder separately and have PID values for each hot end. You can follow the same instructions for the Single Extruder tune.

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