Correct extrusion quantity is important for quality prints. If the extruder is pushing too much plastic, layers will overfill, resulting in bumpy and uneven surfaces. Extruding too little plastic will cause weak bonds and gaps between layers, resulting in a weak structure.
Tools Needed:
- Calipers or metric ruler
Single Extrusion Instructions:
- Connect your Gigabot's USB cable to your computer.
- Power on your Gigabot.
- Open Pronterface.
- Click on the <Connect> button at the top of the screen.
- Read the current extruder calibration number in Pronterface.
- Pronterface will display the following:
- Connecting...
- Start
- Printer is now online.
- ...
- echo: M92 X118.52 Y118.52 Z4031.50 E1000.00
- ...
- Pronterface will display the following:
- Verify filament is installed in the extruder.
- Turn on the hot end fan.
- Heat the hot end to 210°C.
- When the hot end is up to temperature, extrude 10mm of filament at 100mm/sec until you see filament coming out of the hot end.
- Mark the filament 100mm from rear filament tube shelf. (see photo below)
- Extrude 80mm of filament using Pronterface.
- Measure the actual extrusion distance.
- Perform the following calculation:
- (Commanded distance x old calibration number) / actual extrusion distance = new calibration number (80 x 1000) / 83.5 = 958
- In Pronterface:
- Type “M92 E958” <enter>.
- Type “G92 E0” <enter>.
- Repeat the steps above to verify the extruder moves exactly 80mm when commanded.
- Save the new extruder calibration (M92 Exxxx).
- Type "M500" to save the calibration to the permanent memory.
- Simplify3D-> FFF Settings -> Scripts -> Starting G-code (M92 E958 ; calibrate E).
This step completes initial calibration for your Gigabot.
Questions or concerns? Reach out to our support team at support@re:3D.org or open a support ticket.