
Dual Extrusion Calibration


The dual extrusion calibration is necessary to perform if you wish to print with both extruders during the same print. This process will establish an X and Y offset that the printer will use during the tool change process to align the right extruder nozzle with directly where the left extruder nozzle left off, and vice versa.

Tools Needed:

  • Calipers


  • Level nozzles
  • Z-axis home position properly set


Printing the Calibration Cube

  1. Download the .gcode file or Simplify3D .factory file listed under your Gigabot's firmware version: 
  2. Load PLA in both extruders, then print the gcode
    1. The gcode preview looks like the below for Marlin firmware 4.2.3 and above and Klipper firmware:
      • DE_Calibration_Rev3.png
    2. The gcode preview looks like the below for firmware 4.1.5 and above:
      • mceclip1.png
    3. The gcode preview looks like the below for firmware 4.1.3, but this is normal as the settings for the offsets are stored in Simplify3D so it will appear as such
      • mceclip2.png

Measuring the Offsets

Once the print is completed, you must determine the X and Y offsets to adjust the DE calibration settings.

For DE Calibration Rev3 models, determine the offsets by inspecting the sides and identifying the sections where the top and bottom halves best align. The number embossed in that section indicates the distance in millimeters to adjust the setting. If the section marked 0 on all four sides has the best alignment between the top and bottom halves, then DE calibration is complete. For example, the print below has the top and bottom halves aligned in the section shown, which means that the X offset should be increased by 0.3mm.


For older versions of the DE Calibration model, measure the offset between the top half and bottom half using the calipers for both the X and Y sides. You should use the top two faces of the calipers and measure the faces of the cubes without lettering.


    1. To measure the X offset, measure the offset of the side perpendicular to the side with the "X" letter on it.
    2. To measure the Y offset, measure the offset of the side perpendicular to the side with the "Y" letter on it.


Adjusting the Offsets

Firmware 4.1.5 and above (Azteeg X3-PRO control board)

  1. Adjusting the offset in the Viki controller:
    1. Press the center button of the Viki.
    2. Scroll down and select “Control”.
    3. Scroll down and select “Motion” or "Dual Extrusion Settings"
    4. Scroll down and select “T1X”.
    5. By default, the coordinates of E0 are x=0mm and y=0mm, and the coordinates of E1 are x=55mm and y=0mm
    6. If the top half was shifted to the right (+X direction), then increase the value by the distance you measured and click the center button.
    7. Next, go back and select “T1Y.”
    8. If the top half was shifted to the back(+Y direction), then increase the value by the distance you measured and click the center button.
    9. Scroll up and select the “up one level icon.”
    10. *Important* Scroll down and select “Store Memory” or "Store Settings" two times.
    11. Turn off power and turn on power to your Gigabot.
    12. Verify the T1X and T1Y values are changed.
    13. Run the above G-code file again to verify there is no shift between the bottom 10mm and the top 10mm.
    14. If there is still a shift, repeat the process until it is directly lined up.

Firmware 4.1.3 and below (Azteeg X3 control board)

  1. Measure the offset between the top half and bottom half using the calipers. You should use the top portion of the calipers and measure the faces of the cubes without lettering as shown below. The X offset value is measured 
    1. mceclip0.png
  2. Open the factory file, open Process 1, then adjust the "Toolhead offsets" for Tool 1 under the G-Code tab in the .fff settings.
    1. S3D_Toolhead_offsets.jpg
  3. If the top half was shifted in the +X direction, then decrease the value by the distance you measured.
  4. If the top half was shifted in +Y direction, then decrease the value by the distance you measured and click the center button.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for Process 2 in the factory file
  6. Click "Update Profile" to save the settings to your profile so that your future prints retain the offset settings.
  7. Slice the print and run the G-code file again to verify there is no shift between the bottom 10mm and the top 10mm.
  8. If there is still a shift, repeat the process until it is directly lined up.


This step completes dual extrusion calibration for your Gigabot.

If you are unable to download files due to security restrictions, our support team would be happy to email it to you. Questions or concerns? Reach out to our support team at or open a support ticket.  

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