
Testing Homing and Limit Switches

Tools Needed: 

  • Multimeter


Connect your Gigabot's USB cable to your computer and open Simplify3D

Open the "Machine Control Panel" on the right side menu barmceclip0.png

Make sure the "Verbose" box is checked to display all of the communication data and then click connectmceclip1.png

Once Simplify3D shows it is connected to Gigabot enter "M119" and click the Send buttonmceclip2.png

The response will show each limit switch and filament detection switch as open or TRIGGERED.  NOTE - The left Y axis limit switch is "y2_max" and the right Y axis limit switch is "y_max" left_y_axis_limit_switch_m119.png 

Depress each switch by hand and send the M119 command to test each switch individually.

If the limit switch does NOT detect, either the limit switch or the limit switch wire is not working.

  1. To test the limit switch, first unplug the cable from its terminals. Test the continuity by turning the multimeter dial to the continuity test position. Next, place a probe of a multimeter on each terminal of the limit switch. When the limit switch is open, the multimeter should NOT make an audible tone - this indicates an open circuit. When the limit switch is close, the multimeter SHOULD make an audible tone -- this indicates a closed circuit. If the circuit is not closed when the limit switch is, the limit switch needs replaced.
  2. To test the wire, use a multimeter to verify both the red wire and the black wire are continuous by placing the probes first at the ends of the red wire and then on the ends of the black wire. Next, verify the red and black wires on one side of the wire are NOT continuous. This means places the multimeter probes on the red and black terminals of one side of the wire and make sure there is not a sound from the multimeter. If either of those tests fails, then the wire is malfunctioning and it will need to be replaced.
    1. If the limit switch reads the wrong terminal (i.e. depressing the left y-axis switch makes y_max terminal as TRIGGERED) then you will need to check the wiring to the control board as shown in the photos and wiring diagram below

Azteeg X3 Pro


The components and pins referred to in this document are outlined in the wiring diagram below. 


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