
Motor Cable Continuity Testing

Before proceeding, collect and record the following data: 

  • .factory file (The factory file is found by going to "File" > "Save Factory File As...")
  • Gcode (The Gcode is saved by pressing "Prepare to Print!"  > "Save Toolpaths to Disk")
  • Does the motor work if you perform both of the following steps? 
    1. Select  "Control" > "Temperature" > "Nozzle" and heat the hot end to 200°C
    2. Select  "Prepare" > "Move Axis" > "(X, Y, Z, or Extruder)" > "10mm" and scroll clockwise one quarter turn

If the motor is still not working, the extruder motor wire may be failing. Performing the following continuity test will help narrow down the defective component.

Tools Needed: 

  • Multimeter


1. Test for continuity of each wire in the wire bundle using a multimeter. Place one probe on a wire at one end of the bundle, then the other probe on the same colored wire at the opposite end of the bundle as shown below:


2. Ensure you are making good contact between the wire and the probe. If the multimeter lets out a long, continuous sound, then the wire is continuous and it is functioning correctly. If the multimeter does not make any noise or the sound is fluttering, then there is likely a break in the wire and the wire will need to be replaced. Repeat this process for every colored wire.

3. Next, instead of putting the probes on opposite ends of the cable, on place them different colored wires on the side that plugs into the Azteeg. 


4. You will be testing the probe between the different colored wires to make sure that the multimeter does NOT make a sound. If it does make a noise, there is a short in the cable and it will need to be replaced.

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